Fierce, Fit, Feminine & other F Words for Women in Business

5 Tips for midlife women in business to look more youthful on camera

Dr. Christine Braneli Episode 126

If you're in the over 40 club, chances are you're noticing some things in the mirror the didn't use to be there.....and if you're over 50, well now we're talking about gravity trying to drag our face to the ground. It's no joke!

And if you're also a woman in business who wants or needs to show up online for your work but you feel self-conscious about such things, you're not alone.

Yes, our content is most important and yes, who we're serving doesn't notice all of the things we do BUT that doesn't eliminate our own insecurities around how we look on camera. 

There's nothing wrong with wanting to look and feel more youthful and in this episode, we cover 5 quick and easy tips to help you look better online, whether that's on a Zoom call or social media.

Let's dive in.

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