Fierce, Fit, Feminine & other F Words for Women in Business

Aligning your Image with your Personal Brand

April 03, 2024 Dr. Christine Braneli Episode 137

People make a split decision of whether they might like you within 3 seconds. Crazy right?!

We all do it on some level. We're not judging someone's humanity, just whether or not we vibe with them.

When you're building a personal brand, your personal image is KEY because you're the face of your business.

YES, your skills and expertise also matter but if your image and brand are not in alignment there's a disconnect for the "shopper" and that's something you want to avoid.

In the episode, the difference between personal image and personal brand are described as well as how to bridge the gap between the two if there is one.

If you need help boosting your image to match your brand or just boost it in general, you can get started with this FREE guide called Flaunt your Fabulous:

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