Fierce, Fit, Feminine & other F Words for Women in Business

Fitness in your 40's and Beyond

March 27, 2024 Dr. Christine Braneli Episode 136

You probably know more women who don't love how their bodies look than women who do. Which club are you in?

Over 85% of women say they struggle with body image and after 40 years old, that number drastically increases! It gets more challenging to feel healthy and fit.

If you're a woman in business who doesn't like how you look in photos or videos, your clothes aren't fitting the way they used to and you're feeling tired all the time- you're not alone.

When estrogen starts a more drastic decline in our 40s, what used to work to look and feel fabulous doesn't work anymore. You might even be saying "I haven't changed my diet or my activity level and my waistline and belly keep getting bigger. What the heck!"

Yep. Welcome to the next chapter of being you....but there's good news.

You have the power to do what the body needs so it stores less fat, has a better metabolism, and feels strong and toned.

How we feel in our body reflects how we show up in our business. Let's get you feeling great!

We dive into all of it in this episode.

If you're looking to feel more confident on camera, on stage, or online and want to look amazing doing it, claim your FREE GUIDE for that here:

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