Fierce, Fit, Feminine & other F Words for Women in Business

Radiate and Attract Prosperity

February 29, 2024 Dr. Christine Braneli Episode 133

Have you ever wondered how some people seem to be magnets for abundance and others struggle?

Have you ever wondered why? .....or more importantly,  how to be a magnet for abundance?

You're in the right place!

In this episode, Natalie Clark, a renowned Intuitive Mindset Coach who has helped thousands crack open their brilliance, breaks down what prosperity means and how easy it can be to get started abiding in it!

If you loved this episode and want to go deeper, check out her website and then join her free masterclass coming up on March 7, 2024, called Radiate your Brilliance.

You can get all the details for that here:

and join her free group here:

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