Fierce, Fit, Feminine & other F Words for Women in Business

Glow Up by addressing these Insecure Behaviors

July 24, 2023 Dr. Christine Braneli

Fiercely confident women put their stake in the ground for themselves, their work, their family- everything.

Most confident women worked hard to overcome insecurities to help them feel that bold.

We ALL struggle with various behaviors that are rooted in insecurity but the thing is,  they keep us looking dull.

If you're a woman in business or leadership who wants a GLOW UP- this is where you begin; overcoming the behaviors and beliefs that are holding you back!

Have a listen and see if you struggle with any of the behaviors on the list.


Shine Online is a group coaching accelerator program to get women in business go from feeling insecure on camera to dragon slayer :) Not only will you know how to look and sound great on camera, you'll have real-time feedback and coaching on your work and finish the program with a set of photos and videos that you can use for your website and social media platforms.

More details below:

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