Fierce, Fit, Feminine & other F Words for Women in Business

Is Work-Life balance the right goal?

May 22, 2023 Dr. Christine Braneli Episode 116

If you're striving for success as a woman in business and/or leadership AS WELL AS being a successful parent, daughter, spouse, friend, partner, etc....

how do you do it? Is it possible to build your business success and be in balance every where else?

Is that the right question we should even be asking?

This topic is especially important for multi-passionate women who want to do to it all with excellence and in this episode, we take a look at what's possible.

Whether you're a solopreneur, mompreneur, director of a charity or building your business empire while planning a wedding, we all feel the struggle of the balancing act.

Maybe balance isn't what we should be seeking.  Listen to find out more.

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